Friday, April 9, 2010


Well, I suppose I should update before I forget.

I hit 100 lbs lost yesterday. Of course, I'm back at 99 today. But let's try to be positive.

100. That's kind of a big number. I would have never imagined it possible. I have thought that even as I lose more weight, then if I start to gain again, I probably won't be higher than where I am now.

Yet even as I celebrate this milestone, I am thinking about the hard work ahead of me. I have not been eating well. I have not been planning my food or eating "real" food. I have had the mindset that as long as I get my protein from drinking, then I can eat whatever I want. When I originally came up with that idea, it was all good because I wanted to eat more veggies and salads. Now, I am instead eating easter eggs and desserts. I don't eat enough sugar to make me sick, but I don't feel well. Then I don't want to even drink my protein. So not only am I not eating the veggies and salads, but I am not even getting my protein.

I'm not done with this topic yet, but I must go make some sleeping beauties for my daughter's sleep over.

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