Saturday, July 10, 2010

"You're not fat anymore"

This caught me completely by surprise. While we were at the beach yesterday, my friend said this to me, "Well one thing we can say for sure is that you are not fat anymore."

It was like a spring was attached to my head as it spun around.

It's funny that she would say this now. It has been the last couple of weeks that I have felt *FAT* again. My loss has really slowed and the last few days I am up 2 lbs. My belly looks fuller and the skin seems to be not as wrinkled.

I have been on holidays 3 out of the last 4 weeks. So, I am not walking for 3 hours a day and my eating is worse because I am grazing. I have been making more cookies and muffins and that kind of stuff for the kids but also as gifts (since our money is so tight these days) and as I make them I also eat them.

Now, the work begins. The mental work of planning and making good choices. The physical work of planned and scheduled exercise.

To be honest I'm not looking forward to it. It just brings back a lot of memories of defeat and helplessness.

Maybe it doesn't have to be that way this time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this!

    I have been feeling very much the same myself.
