Sunday, July 25, 2010

He wouldn't dare!

Today I cried in church, flipped out on the kids, flipped out on the husband, had a hard time enjoying our beautiful lunch spot, took the kids to old mcdonald's for supper.

Do you see a theme? I think my hormones are wacky again.

I noticed a few months ago, now that my periods are regular, that a couple of days before that TOM comes, that I am a little looney. For example, I will not be angry, but then scream for some minor infraction. I think today was one of those days.

Of course, Norm wouldn't say. He wouldn't dare. (I actually don't think he knows about this connection yet!)

So hopefully it has now passed.

In other news...

I think we will work on installing a bathroom in our basement. We came up with the idea of getting a boarder to live with us. Someone who could use our kitchen and house generally, but have their own room in the basement. It is a nice balance between putting a suite in the basement and yet still getting some extra money coming in. In fact, room and board brings in almost as much as renting a 1 bedroom basement suite would bring. I think by the time we actually get the bathroom done, we will be too late for the back to school crowd. But we'll work on it.

In related news...

Because of Norm's road trip, our mastercard is back up again. We don't have the money to pay it off. This stresses me out. We are working so hard to be careful with our money, and then this happens. We can't afford him to be on road trips. He spent something like $400 in gas in 2 weeks! plus he has a $450 hotel bill. And his income has only been $300 for the last 2 weeks. UGG!

So, I don't want to go into debt to put in this bathroom. But I'm torn. Without it, I'm not sure we can really offer up a room which will bring us about $500 a month. But going into debt, even to do this, is a bad idea. In the past, it would have been easy for me to charge it. Now, I really want to live differently. I hate being in bondage to this monster that we created. It really feels like we will never, ever be financially free. ugg. At least I know I am spiritually free.

Last night I made my amazing choc chip cookies. I really love these. I think they are the best I have ever, ever tasted. Most people tell me the same thing. I don't keep a lot of sweets in the house. Mainly because they tend to be fairly expensive and also because I would tend to eat them all. Maybe that is why they are so expensive!

I made them because I wanted to binge. I wanted to eat something sweet and eat a lot. I wouldn't say I was stressed out, but I was definitely unsettled. I ate about 4 or 5 cookies worth of dough, I think. Then I had another few cooked. (I usually prefer the dough.) Today I was munching on them throughout the day too.

Just now, as this was going through my mind, I wondered if there is a hormonal connection. A lot of women talk about eating more junk when their period comes. Hmmm. Interesting.


  1. I have no doubt that hormones play a LARGE roll on our eating habits. When I am PMSing or on my period I am hungrier then normal and want more sugar. (Just look at my last post!) It makes staying on track that much harder!

  2. Boy hormones reek havoc in our lives. I notice similar symptoms as well and it is difficult as I am at an age where I will be seeing menopause soon enough. I think it is worse now than ever.

    I think the boarder is a great idea for income. I hope it all works out for you.
