Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's all about the numbers

I weigh everyday. Naked, after I have peed, when I first get out of bed.

It is a struggle to see the numbers. Some days they are not going down fast enough, sometimes they are going up and sometimes they stay the same for way (weigh) too long.

As I mentioned before, last week I started gaining a few pounds. A big chunk of that is not working. Walking 3 hours has it's benefits! But I have been eating too much - and too much junk in particular - to maintain where I am now. The sad part is that I still have 50 pounds to lose!

But for me, I think it is important to weigh every day. I want to learn that it is just a number. Normal women's weight fluctuates and so will mine.

Ok. That might just be a rationalization. I can probably learn as much from not weighing as from weighing. But I like knowing my number. Self esteem issues be darned.

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