Monday, December 6, 2010

I just had to post these pictures again. I posted them a long time ago. (sorry, I'm not going to find it for you. It will be right here anyway!) But I was looking for it to submit to

It honestly shocked and saddened me. There is big burden in my heart for her. I don't recognize her anymore. It's only been a year.

I had to wear clothes that I could find that fit. I didn't have the budget (even then) to buy new clothes or order online. I bought what I could find at the consignment store. That particular shirt didn't fit me that well. My boobs were too small, but it fit around my belly. At the time I didn't think it looked that bad. I did the best I could. No wonder people say I am a fashion maven now.

I am going to have to post this pic up somewhere where I can see it everyday. I need to remember what I did to my mind, my body and my spirit. I didn't know I had a choice. I didn't know that the voices in my head could be silenced or ignored. Now I know they can.


  1. Wow, I swear I had posted on your blog but I don't see it. However, I have to say that I love both sets of pictures. It is amazing to see the changes and somehow nothing shows it as well as a picture. I just really noticed how unhappy you look in the before pictures and how excited you look in the after.

    You are beautiful in both but I love that you are happy! Celebrate all that you have accomplished. You have your life back.

    And just because it keeps coming to mind as I read your blog:
    "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1

    I offer you this scripture and I claim it for myself.

    I wish you every blessing in all areas of your life as you find victory over your weight. :)

  2. What an incredible change!! If you posted these pictures side by side with no other info I wouldn't have even thought they were the same person.

    Congratulations on making such a change in your life!
