Here is my happy side view. At least I didn't have a scowl! It's actually something I have noticed as I look at before and after pictures. The after pics are always much better. the people are smiling and happy and usually outside! Interesting.
So, I knew I was fat, but seeing these pictures, especially the mean one, is kind of scary. First of all, the shirt is UGLY! Finding clothes at the top end of the size chart is difficult. I found it really challenging because my boobs are/were a lot smaller than my belly. I would have to find shirts that were long enough to not show any skin, then they had to be big enough to go around my belly, but small enough to not show too much cleavage. This shirt was way too big on top. Every time I would bend over, everything would hang out.
So, let's go on to 3 months later.
I just had my 3 month surgiversary. I made it to 80 lbs down in 3 months and 2 days. When I compare the pictures, I can see a big difference. But I must admit that when I first saw this picture, I wasn't that impressed. I thought that I was still big. I suppose that is still the truth: I AM still big. I would still qualify for the surgery without any co-morbidities at this weight. I am also starting to run into skin issues. After 3 babies and being over 300 for a year has left my belly hanging. I am only 12 lbs away from my lowest adult weight. I was a size 18 then. I recently tried on size 18 pants. I can do them up - barely. They push all the fat on top of the waistband. It's not pleasant. They fit in the bum and legs. But, 12 lbs won't make that big a difference. It's the skin. I'm already thinking about starting research on plastic surgery options. I've heard a few going to Mexico and a couple to Costa Rica where their whole body can be reshaped for the cost of one surgery in Canada. Oh well. It's at least a couple of years away.
So I am feeling guilty. During this post, Norm came up asking me for info about booking a flight for his mom. I acted all, "Can't you do it?!?!?" Now, I need to go say sorry. I hate that! It's like I'm always going off the edge and he never does. At least he has always forgiven me so far.
Hey Kristi, your pictures are great - they really show a difference. I hope you are well. You haven't posted for a while so not sure if that is because of Lent or just life is busy. Take care! :)