Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I've been thinking of you lately.  Blogspot has changed, so I don't even know how long it has been!

As much as things have changed, things are still the same.  Even with surgery, my weight will be a constant concern.  My eating/overeating/food choices will ever remain in the forefront if I am to maintain this lower weight.

Just a quick update in that department.  I am 185 and have been since last fall.  It really worried me when I re-gained those 15 lbs.  It seemed to come on quite quickly over the summer of 2011 and has stablized. 

I am still delivering the mail.  Yesterday I logged 23000 steps and 18.1 km just during work.  It's no wonder I am so tired!

My main man is starting to look for a permanent teaching job.  It will be a relief when he starts earning some good money.

My kids are now 8,6 and 3.  They tell you time flies.  I am only starting to believe them now as the baby talk is beginning to leave my house.  :( 

Parenting continues to be the most difficult thing I do each and every day.  It's the thing I cry about most.

We are selling our house.  It is listed.  Now we are waiting for a buyer.

Them's the facts for now.  Maybe I'll come back and see you more often...